Outdoor Sh
Outdoor Shade SailsWonderful Sun Shadeshade ideashade Covers Decoration IdeasAwesome Modern shadingCAR
Outdoor Shade Sails Wonderful Sun Shade shade ideas hade Covers Decoration Ideas Awesome Modern shading CAR & BUS PARKING AREA Better comfort: When the outside temperature is above 36°celsius, and cars/buses are parked in the open, the temperature inside a parked vehicle reaches 50° to 60° Celsius, thus making it feel like an oven, when entering the car/bus on a hot day. Shades over the parking area, ensure a highly comfortable atmosphere inside the car/bus, even on hot days. Reduced maintenance and better interiors: In some parts of India the temperatures soar as high as 48°celsius outside. The high temperatures and exposure to UV has highly deteriorating effect on the interiors of the car/bus, like seats, dashboard, rubber trims, etc., resulting in high maintenance costs. Shaded parking area reduce this deterioration, and keeps the interiors better looking for a longer period of time. SWIMMING POOL AREA: Protection from harmful UV Rays: Most people must have experienced how the skin gets tanned when you go for swimming regularly. This is again due to high UV exposure, which is not good for the health of the skin of young children. During swimming a large part of the body is exposed to UV rays. Shading of the Swimming Pool reduces this harmful exposure substantially, and also makes the swimming experience much more enjoyable due to a comfortable shaded atmosphere. Water conservation: Shading of the Swimming Pool also reduces the loss of water due to evaporation under the heat, thus reducing the usage of water.
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